"Australian Medical Students Association for Hearts" Lifetime Membership


Dr Warrick Bishop and The Healthy Heart Network are proud to introduce a complimentary special Australian Medical Students Association membership valued at over $175 to help further educate you about the importance of heart health.


  • Have You Planned Your Heart Attack? (ebook + AudioBook) (valued at $20)
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation Explained (ebook) (valued at $10)
  • Cardiac Failure Explained (ebook + AudioBook) (valued at $20)
  • Atrial Fibrillation Explained (ebook + AudioBook) (valued at $20)
  • Healthy Heart Network Discovery Course (valued at $100)
  • ECG 3s and 5s -Tips for reading ECGs (Complimentary)
  • Healthy Heart Network TV Show (Digital) (valued at $5)

I’m Dr Warrick Bishop, a renowned cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network.



As Featured in Media


Meet Dr Warrick Bishop


Dr Warrick Bishop, a widely renowned practicing cardiologist, on a mission to help patients reduce their risk of having a heart attack.

He’s spoken on TEDx stages and sat on countless interviews, including 60 Minutes and ABC Radio, delivering eye-opening insights that have enabled patients to have meaningful conversations about their heart health with their doctors and valuable information on life-changing technological advancements that could impact patients’ health.  

Dr Warrick graduated from the University of Tasmania, School of Medicine, in 1988. He completed his advanced training in cardiology in Hobart, Tasmania, becoming a fellow of the Royal Australian College of Physicians. A number of years ago, a patient Dr. Warrick treated wasn’t informed about heart attack prevention. 

A number of years ago something incredible, an amazing coincidence, happened to that started me on a mission to prevent heart attacks rather than try to cure them.  A few years ago, I was driving to work one day when one moment in time changed my entire way of dealing with heart disease.

A man had a heart attack and collapsed during a fun run. After my efforts to resuscitate the man were unsuccessful, I realized he was a patient of mine.  A couple of years earlier I had conducted the usual tests and reassured this man he was in good health and showed no signs of having a heart attack.  It was obvious to me then; the current methods were outdated and not as accurate as we need them to be.  The experience started me on a journey to inform and help the world prevent heart attacks by using both advocacy and the latest in emerging technologies. This is the key for earlier detection and assessment of those at risk of a heart attack.  My mission is for people to live as well as possible for as long as possible by preventing heart attack.


Doctor Warrick Bishop's qualifications include:

  • First cardiologist in Tasmania with this specialist recognition in CT Cardiac Coronary Angiography
  • Current member of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, Australian and New Zealand International Regional Committee, or SCCT ANZ IRC.
  • Level B certification, with the Australian Joint Committee for CCTA
  • Member of the Society of Cardiac Computed Tomography
  • Member of the Australian Atherosclerosis Society
  • Participant on the panel of ‘interested parties’ developing a model of care and national registry for familial hypercholesterolaemia
  • Accredited examiner for the Royal Australian College of Physicians, regularly involved with teaching medical students and junior doctors
  • Worked with Hobart’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research on projects in an affiliate capacity
  • Recognised by the Medical School of the University of Tasmania with academic status
  • Past member of the Clinical Issues Committee of the Australian Heart Foundation, providing input to issues of significance for the management of heart patients

Complimentary special AMSA membership valued at over $175 to help further educate you about the importance of heart health.



As part of your membership package, you will receive Digital Access to:


  • Have You Planned Your Heart Attack? (ebook + AudioBook) (valued at $20)
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation Explained (ebook) (valued at $10)
  • Cardiac Failure Explained (ebook + AudioBook) (valued at $20)
  • Atrial Fibrillation Explained (ebook + AudioBook) (valued at $20)
  • Healthy Heart Network Discovery Course (valued at $100)
  • ECG 3s and 5s -Tips for reading ECGs (Complimentary)
  • Healthy Heart Network TV Show (Digital) (valued at $5)


Who is The "Australian Medical Students Association for Hearts" Membership For?



The "Australian Medical Students Association for Hearts"  is for Australian Medical Students Association members  who recognize that heart attack is a major killer and want to know how to lower the risk of their patients or even themselves suffering from one.



It is for you if you desire to identify the positive steps you can take rather than leave everything to chance.



It is for people who are keen to understand the present state of their heart’s health and recognize their current level of risk of suffering a heart attack.



It is for people who want access to up-to-date information based on modern practices and proven strategies.



It is for people who want to join a supportive network to help them on their journey to a healthier heart.


​It is for you if you are worried about the health of your heart and suffering a heart attack and want to do everything to prevent this tragedy from happening to you or your patients.



It is for people who have high cholesterol and are not sure about taking statins.



It is for people who have a family history of heart attack victims and want to do everything possible to avoid the same fate.



It is for those who want to learn the positive steps they can take to improve their situation.



It is for people who believe Prevention is better than a Cure.



As a "Australian Medical Students Association for Hearts" Lifetime Member...






Welcome Membership Area

You will receive immediate access to Your Membership Area, which is loaded with lots of valuable resources.

This includes access to your ebooks as well as the DISCOVERY Course




Learning Programme

You will receive an ongoing, structured learning programme to inform and support you on your journey to improving your heart health. It lays out the underpinning principles and the methods by which you’ll work towards reducing your risk of heart attack and enjoying better heart health.




Group Coaching

Quarterly online virtual calls with interactive presentations. You’ll have the opportunity to raise any topics and issues you’d like covered in these online sessions. You also have the option to put yourself forward to receive direct coaching from a medical professional during a session if you wish to.




Visiting Experts

We have an unmatched line-up of visiting experts, covering a wide range of topics directly or indirectly related to heart health and the risk of a heart attack. Nowhere else will you have this kind of direct access to these health professionals, from the comfort of your home.




 Facebook Group

The "Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack" dedicated Facebook Group is where members can share their goals, fears, obstacles they’re encountering, tips for overcoming difficulties, track their progress and celebrate each other’s successes.




Wealth of Resources

Plus, you will have access to the full Healthy Heart Programme Podcasts, Videos, Articles, Activity Books, Recordings of Presentations and Coaching Sessions and Recordings of Visiting Speakers. You will find the answer to any question you may have regarding your heart health in these resources.



The Healthy Heart Network Discovery Course 



  • Understanding your risk. The first step is discovering how healthy your heart is right now. How much does your current lifestyle and environment attributable to your heart health, and how much is within your control?
  • Understanding your heart. How it works and the simple day-to-day changes you can implement to lower your risk of a heart attack.
  • Your Current Approach and why it may not be your best option. However, it is not your fault. The current methods of measuring the risk of suffering a heart attack are not as accurate as we need them to be. You’ll discover a better way to give you a clearer picture of your heart’s health.





Join For FREE Today and Receive Bonuses Worth Over $175!




Bonus #1
HHN Discovery Course

Valued at $100

Understanding your risk. The first step is discovering how healthy your heart is right now. How much does your current lifestyle and environment attributable to your heart health, and how much is within your control?

Your Current Approach and why it may not be your best option. However, it is not your fault. The current methods of measuring the risk of suffering a heart attack are not as accurate as we need them to be. You’ll discover a better way to give you a clearer picture of your heart’s health.


Bonus #2
Atrial Fibrillation Explained
(eBook + AudioBook)

Valued at $20

Atrial Fibrillation Explained is a must-read for sufferers and those who care about them, medical practitioners and anyone planning to live into a healthy, old age. Having a better understanding of AF as a disease and learning about its treatment will open up meaningful conversations between patients and their medical practitioners, leading to greater insight into the best way to look after the condition in personal sets of circumstances. This book is a must-read for you.



Bonus #3
Cardiac Failure Explained
(eBook + AudioBook)

Valued at $20


The human heart is one of the most powerful muscles in our body. It can pump blood through your entire circulatory system and do it more than 100,000 times a day! Cardiac failure is when the heart cannot effectively pump enough blood to meet your body's needs, leading to dizziness, shortness of breath, swelling and fatigue.

By arming yourself with knowledge about strategies for both short-term relief and long-term prevention, we hope to empower you to take charge of your own care so that you can live well despite having this condition.



Bonus #4
Have You Planned Your Heart Attack?
(eBook + AudioBook)

Valued at $20

Have You Planned Your Heart Attack? is not the next optimistic, self-help, heart disease reversal, low carb, cure-all approach to health. Believing that prevention is better than cure, it presents a proactive approach to cardiac disease prevention. It is the first-of-its-kind, offering a balanced and referenced discussion of coronary risk assessment using modern technology.

Taking a picture of the coronary arteries using CT to see the health of the arteries is not new; it just isn't being done routinely. Yet, by using these advances you can be ahead of the game about your own cardiovascular health. Wouldn’t you want to know, rather than guess, if the single biggest killer in the Western world was lurking inside of you?



Bonus #7
Cardiac Rehabilitaion Explained

Valued at $10

Cardiac Rehabilitation Explained is a must-read for anyone who has recently experienced a cardiac event, such as a heart attack, stenting, or cardiac surgery. This comprehensive guide not only explains the importance of cardiac rehabilitation, but also provides a thorough understanding of the causes of cardiac events, treatments available, and the steps individuals can take to recover or improve their cardiovascular health, thus also making Cardiac Rehabilitation Explained a powerful preventative tool for those who wish, at any age, to be proactive about their health.



Bonus #5
Healthy Heart Network
TV Show

Valued at $5

Ground-Breaking TV Show

Traditional risk assessment is like rolling a dice and your life is not worth the gamble. Learn what is available, if it is for you, and if it is what it means to you and your future.


Bonus #6
ECG 3s and 5s
Tips for reading ECGs


  • The ECG offers much valuable information for the assessment of heart problems and patient care.
  • Interpretation of the ECG requires a systematic approach
  • Reading the ECG using a simple aide memoire that breaks down important components into ‘3s and 5s’ can help the novice reader gain confidence..