"What's My Risk of Heart Attack" - Free Mini Class


If you are genuinely concerned about your own heart health but feel that you are just not getting the information you need, then stay with me, because my objective is to teach and educate with the best possible information available and take you on a journey toward your best health outcome.


The videos are only about 15 minutes long.
Your Host: Doctor Warrick Bishop
Cardiologist and 2-Time Best Selling Author


 Free Video Mini Course
Click Here

  • Do you want to be more proactive about your heart health?
  • Ever wondered what are the chances of you personally suffering a heart attack?
  • Would you like access to a scientifically proven way of predicting the likelihood of a heart attack?
  • Are you unsure where to find the most up-to-date information on how to achieve better heart health?

As Featured in Media

Some of what Doctor Warrick will cover...



A Better Way

Our Blueprint

Healthy Heart




Doctor Warrick Bishop
Cardiologist and Two-Time #1 International Best Selling Author.

Doctor Warrick Bishop is a best selling author, key-note speaker and practising cardiologist who has a passion to help prevent heart disease on a global scale.

Warrick graduated from the University of Tasmania, School of Medicine, in 1988. He completed his advanced training in cardiology in Hobart, Tasmania, becoming a fellow of the Royal Australian College of Physicians.

A number of years ago something incredible, an amazing coincidence, happened that started Warrick on the mission to prevent heart attacks rather than try to cure them. He was driving to work one day when he stopped at a commotion by the side of the road. A fun runner had collapsed during a fun run with a heart attack. He helped in his resuscitation only to find out that had seen the very same man two years earlier and reassured him that he was fine.

Warrick had missed the chance to make a difference and it nearly cost a life!! . Based on risk calculation and the best practice of the time, he shouldn't have been at high risk.....but he was!

That meant that he had reassured a patient based on treadmill testing, the best care available at the time that he was fine, only to be part of the team that resuscitated that man when he dropped dead during a running race, this was just not good enough, and he asked himself could this be done differently? This important question started him on a journey which meant he was open to looking more closely at new and emerging technology to help in being more precise about risk of heart attack.

It became clear to Warrick the more precise we can be in the information we have in regard to a patients heart health and real risk of heart attack, the better we can look after that person, it seems so obvious when you say it like that, but that opportunity is still only new and not broadly utilised in the medical community.

Building on that success, Warick has decided to create a program to help people manage their risks better. It's called “The Healthy Heart Network”. With The Healthy Heart Network he can now help reduce heart disease as a major killer in the world!


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HHN Educational Series: Prevention is Better Than Cure

Prevention is Better Than Cure! If you are genuinely concerned about your own heart health but feel that you are just not getting the information you need, then stay with me, because my objective is to teach and educate with the best possible information available and take you on a journey toward your best health outcome.