Heart Attacks are Preventable!

It is our goal to help people prevent heart attacks and the diseases that cause them. Educating and supporting people to understand the importance of heart health. Challenging them to live heart-smart so they can scale more summits, run more races, and live for more moments that make their hearts beat. 



As Featured in Media

What is The "Healthy Heart Network"?

The Healthy Heart Network is your safe, non-judgmental online educational mutual-support community. It is a place where you can interact and ask questions to medical professionals and encourage other members on your journey to sustaining a healthy heart.

Led by one of the world’s leading cardiologist, Doctor Warrick Bishop, you will receive expert knowledge to give you the confidence to continue on your journey to improved heart health and reduced risk of a heart attack.

Heart attacks are a silent killer that can often be prevented. In fact, here are some revealing statistics.

Over 9,000,000 People Die Every Year from Heart Disease.


USA Australia
Over 640,000 Americans die from heart disease every year Over 18,600 Australians die every year from heart disease
That equates to over 1,753 per day That equates to 51 people a day
One person has a heart attack every 40 seconds One person dies every 28 minutes


94% of Australians have at least One Risk Factor for heart disease.


59% of Australians have been Touched by heart disease.


Yet only 3% of Australians have had a Full Heart-Health Assessment in the past 12 months.


It is Doctor Bishop's vision to prevent as many heart attacks as possible by sharing his knowledge with the wider community.

As a valued member of The Healthy Heart Network family, you will discover:


  • ​How to understand the Present State of your heart’s health
  • How to live a Longer and Healthier Life with a stronger heart.
  • ​How to recognise your Current Level of Risk of suffering a heart attack
  • ​How you can Eat More Healthy according to your individual requirements for optimum heart health.
  • How to Remove all the Confusion and discover exactly what are the best heart health practices for you.
  • The Positive Steps you can take to improve your situation.
  • ​How you can Enjoy the Support of like-minded people and assorted experts in heart health.

​100% Satisfaction Guaranteed: 
If The Healthy Heart Network Membership does not meet your expectations within the first 30 days, you can cancel your monthly membership anytime, no questions asked.

Who is The Healthy Heart Network For?



The Healthy Heart Network is for people who recognize that heart attack is a major killer and want to know how to lower their risk of suffering one.



It is for you if you desire to identify the positive steps you can take rather than leave everything to chance.



It is for people who are keen to understand the present state of their heart’s health and recognize their current level of risk of suffering a heart attack.



It is for people who want access to up-to-date information based on modern practices and proven strategies.



It is for people who want to join a supportive network to help them on their journey to a healthier heart.


​It is for you if you are worried about the health of your heart and suffering a heart attack and want to do everything to prevent this tragedy happening to you.



It is for people who have high cholesterol and are not sure about taking statins.



It is for people who have a family history of heart attack victims and want to do everything possible to avoid the same fate.



It is for those who want to learn the positive steps they can take to improve their situation.



It is for people who believe Prevention is better than a Cure.



As a Healthy Heart Network Member, You Will Enjoy






Welcome Kit

You will receive immediate access to Your Membership Area, which is loaded with lots of valuable resources.

This includes your Healthy Heart Network ‘Prevention Kit’, your own personal Journal and Workbook to track your progress.




Learning Programme

You will receive an ongoing, structured learning programme to inform and support you on your journey to improving your heart health. It lays out the underpinning principles and the methods by which you’ll work towards reducing your risk of heart attack and enjoying better heart health.




Group Coaching

Twice monthly online presentations with interactive presentations. You’ll have the opportunity to raise any topics and issues you’d like covered in these online sessions. You also have the option to put yourself forward to receive direct coaching from a medical professional during a session if you wish to.




Visiting Experts

We have an unmatched line-up of visiting experts, covering a wide range of topics directly or indirectly related to heart health and the risk of a heart attack. Nowhere else will you have this kind of direct access to these health professionals, from the comfort of your home.




Private Facebook Group

The Healthy Heart Network dedicated Facebook Group is where members can share their goals, fears, obstacles they’re encountering, tips for overcoming difficulties, track their progress and celebrate each other’s successes




Wealth of Resources

Plus, you will have access to the full Healthy Heart Programme Podcasts, Videos, Articles, Activity Books, Recordings of Presentations and Coaching Sessions and Recordings of Visiting Speakers. You will find the answer to any question you may have regarding your heart health in these resources.



The Healthy Heart Network is as Simple as Following Our Five Easy Steps


Step 1. Discovery

  • Understanding your risk. The first step is discovering how healthy your heart is right now. How much does your current lifestyle and environment attributable to your heart health, and how much is within your control?
  • Understanding your heart. How it works and the simple day-to-day changes you can implement to lower your risk of a heart attack.
  • Your Current Approach and why it may not be your best option. Although it is not your fault. The current methods of measuring the risk of suffering a heart attack are not as accurate as we need them to be. You’ll discover a better way to give you a clearer picture of your heart’s health.


Step 2. Your Assessment


  • Discover the benefits of an assessment with a Holistic risk evaluation.
  • Understanding Heart Scans, how they work and why we use them.
  • How to Analyse and Understand your test results to determine your risk of a heart attack, and the health measures to put in place. Sometimes small changes have big effects.


Step 3. Your Health Plan


  • Complimentary Diet Assessment from a professional dietician at Nutrition For Life.
  • The Best Food Plan for you considering your health, heart risk, age and lifestyle.
  • The Role of Medication for your heart.
  • Your Medication Goals for healthy heart longevity.
  • Medication Problems. Knowing the possible effects and minimising the risks.
  • The role of Supplements in an inadequate diet.


Step 4. Your Action Plan


  • Qualify your medication goals. Gaining clarity on what you want them to help you achieve.
  • List actions to help with possible medication side effects, so you are prepared.
  • Develop your food plan for an easy-to-follow reference to keep you on track.
  • Develop an exercise assessment and plan to achieve and maintain your goals.
  • Access nutritious heart-healthy recipes for variety and to prevent boredom in the kitchen.


Step 5. Your Journey


  • Track your progress on the journey to better heart health and reduced risk of a heart attack.
  • Follow-up on blood tests and possibly repeat imaging to identify changes.
  • Follow-up weight and exercise assessments to track their effectiveness. Modify if needed.
  • Assess the impact on other body systems: e.g., renal, visual, bowl, testes, prostate, bones, brain, skin, and lungs etc.
  • Repeat blood tests at regular intervals to monitor progress.
  • Have there been any changes? Record and discuss to ensure you are keeping on your healthy heart journey.



Join The Healthy Heart Network Family Today!

Healthy Heart Network Journey BASIC (Monthly) DIGITAL ONLY

Valued at over $500



Billed per Month, Cancel Anytime
  • Access to Membership Site & Course Set (Valued at $295)
  • Private Facebook Group
  • HHN Digital Health Journal (Valued at $10)
  • Fortnightly Group Coaching Calls
  • Digital Low Carb Healthy Fat Starter Program, Online Sugar Detox Program, Low Carb, Healthy Fat Living eBooks
  • Nutritionist Consultation (Valued at $50)
  • Digital copy of Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack (valued at $32)
  • Full-Resource Downloads (Including eBook and Audiobook Versions of Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack (Valued at $25)
  • Sugar Detox Course (Valued at $20)
  • Digital copy of 10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained (valued at $10)

Join Today and Receive 13 Bonuses Worth Over $900!




Bonus #1 - Healthy Heart Journal

Valued at $20

Your own personal full-colour Healthy Heart Journal. Each Week, Network Members are given access to new videos, activities and written resources. All of these are divided into bite-size chunks, making them easy to understand and easy to implement into your busy daily routine. The themes and topics are echoed in this Journal.


Bonus #2 - Hardcover copy of Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack

Valued at $32

Is the single biggest killer in the western world was lurking inside of you? Discover the risks and prevent a heart attack before it happens.

Cardiologist and 3-time International Bestselling author, Doctor Warrick Bishop is going to teach us about heart attack awareness and prevention in this book.



Bonus #3 - Full-Resource USB (Including eBook and Audiobook Versions of Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack

Valued at $25

This USB Resources package includes eBook and Audiobook versions of Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack.


Bonus #4 - Access to All Courses on the Platform at No Additional Cost

Maximum Value!

When you are a member of the Healthy Heart Network, you will have access to all courses on the platform at no additional cost.



Bonus #5 - Complimentary Dietary Assessment

Valued at $49

In your third month as a Healthy Heart Network member, you will be offered a complimentary dietary assessment from our friends at Nutrition For Life.


Bonus #6 - 8 Low Carb, Healthy Fat Living eBooks

Valued at $50

You will get 8 Low Carb, Healthy Fat Living eBooks that contain recipes and meal plans, produced by our friends over at Nutrition For Life.



Bonus #7 - Low Carb, Healthy Fat Online Starter Program

Valued at $200

You will get access to all the resources that comprise the Low Carb, Healthy Fat Online Starter Program from Nutrition For Life - this includes 8 Learning Guides, the accompanying audio files, and additional help tools.


Bonus #8 - Sugar Detox Course

Valued at $20

Complimenting the 3rd Module of the Healthy Heart Network Course, Health Plan, the Sugar Detox Course is recommended viewing for anyone who is serious about their health and getting sugar out of their life.



Bonus #9 - Diet & Nutrition Guide with Bonus Recipes

Valued at $50

In your second month as a Healthy Heart Network member, you will be sent the Diet & Nutrition Guide, accompanied by various healthy heart recipes.


Bonus #10 - Healthy Heart Network TV Show

Valued at $49

In your third month as a Healthy Heart Network member, you will receive a physical copy of the Healthy Heart Network TV Show.



Bonus #11 - Healthy Heart Network Course Set

Valued at $295

In your fourth month as a Healthy Heart Network member, you will receive the full Healthy Heart Network Course in a physical boxset. It's yours to keep!


Bonus #12 - Virtual Heart Scan Consultation

Valued at $99

As part of your membership benefits you also receive a complimentary CT Scan Consultation, there is currently the scan cost which we charge $200 separately for. By being a HHN Member you save the $99 Consultation portion.



Bonus #13 - HHN Online Weight Loss Course

Valued at $10

We know it's a huge problem and turns up everywhere. It makes the front page of magazines. It's in social media and articles come up regularly on the news. So we know obesity is really a crisis. It is linked to type two diabetes. It is linked to cardiovascular disease. It is closely linked to high blood pressure, and clearly it's a growing problem.


That’s $900+ Value in Bonuses When You Join Today!


Join the Healthy Heart Network Today!  

Meet Dr Warrick Bishop


Dr Warrick Bishop, a widely renowned practicing cardiologist, on a mission to help patients reduce their risk of having a heart attack.

He’s spoken on TEDx stages and sat on countless interviews, including 60 Minutes and ABC Radio, delivering eye-opening insights that have enabled patients to have meaningful conversations about their heart health with their doctors and valuable information on life-changing technological advancements that could impact patients’ health.  

Dr Warrick graduated from the University of Tasmania, School of Medicine, in 1988. He completed his advanced training in cardiology in Hobart, Tasmania, becoming a fellow of the Royal Australian College of Physicians. A number of years ago, a patient Dr. Warrick treated wasn’t informed about heart attack prevention. 

A number of years ago something incredible, an amazing coincidence, happened to that started me on a mission to prevent heart attacks rather than try to cure them.  A few years ago, I was driving to work one day when one moment in time changed my entire way of dealing with heart disease.

A man had a heart attack and collapsed during a fun run. After my efforts to resuscitate the man were unsuccessful, I realized he was a patient of mine.  A couple of years earlier I had conducted the usual tests and reassured this man he was in good health and showed no signs of having a heart attack.  It was obvious to me then; the current methods were outdated and not as accurate as we need them to be.  The experience started me on a journey to inform and help the world prevent heart attacks by using both advocacy and the latest in emerging technologies. This is the key for earlier detection and assessment of those at risk of a heart attack.  My mission is for people to live as well as possible for as long as possible by preventing heart attack. 

Doctor Warrick Bishop's qualifications include:

  • First cardiologist in Tasmania with this specialist recognition in CT Cardiac Coronary Angiography
  • Current member of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, Australian and New Zealand International Regional Committee, or SCCT ANZ IRC.
  • Level B certification, with the Australian Joint Committee for CCTA
  • Member of the Society of Cardiac Computed Tomography
  • Member of the Australian Atherosclerosis Society
  • Participant on the panel of ‘interested parties’ developing a model of care and national registry for familial hypercholesterolaemia
  • Accredited examiner for the Royal Australian College of Physicians, regularly involved with teaching medical students and junior doctors
  • Worked with Hobart’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research on projects in an affiliate capacity
  • Recognised by the Medical School of the University of Tasmania with academic status
  • Past member of the Clinical Issues Committee of the Australian Heart Foundation, providing input to issues of significance for the management of heart patients

Frequently Asked Questions



What is The Healthy Heart Network?

The Healthy Heart Network is your safe, non-judgmental online mutual-support group where you can interact and encourage other members on your journey to sustaining a healthy heart.


I already have a heart condition. Does being a member replace me visiting my doctor and cardiologist?

Definitely not. The Healthy Heart Network complements the advice you are currently receiving.


Am I locked into any membership contract?

No. You can cancel anytime.


I am healthy already. Do I need to become a member?

We like to help people continue to be healthy and avoid suffering a heart attack by providing education. If you want to live a long healthy life, then the answer is yes.

Welcome! I'm an "AI version" of Dr Warrick Bishop's brain! How Can I Help?