Are you on a cholesterol lowering tablet? Are you happy you're on a cholesterol lowering tablet. Do you know exactly why you're on that tablet? Do you know what goal or objective, what levels you're aiming for with that tablet?

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Today, I'm going to ask you who is carrying a list of their up to date medications. If you've listened to any of my podcasts, you know that's one of the things that drives me completely nuts; when people turn up and can't tell me exactly what medications they're on, exactly what dose, and exactly what time of day.

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Today, the topics are going to be around do statins reduce blockages in arteries, how do we know how tight arteries are and when do we fix up blocked arteries? I've also got one case which I'll chat about at the end, but let me get going. I would like to start off by sharing with you two questions that came through a number of weeks ago when I asked for any specific questions. So Susan Bauer asked, "at what percentage blockage should a stent be placed?" And she also asked, "if you're on statins, will the blockage get better, stay the same, or possibly get worse?" I'm going to actually take that as the first question, cause it's a really important one. And then I'll come back to percentage of blockage.

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Welcome to this healthy Heart Network Live Show. It's a follow on from questions that have been put in Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack in the Facebook group, and it's really an opportunity for me to share with you guys and hopefully provide some answers to questions and provide a little bit of education in balance. So, what I try and do is a little bit of a case story, a little bit of education, as well. So, I cover both of those tonight. Without further ado. Tonight, we're going to be talking about amyloid, a little bit about amyloid, and we're going to be talking about searching for the truth. So, Healthy Heart Network is my Facebook group. If you're not a part of it, please feel free to join. It is free. I do speaking to it once a month and I do try to answer questions. This month, Tony has been good enough to fire a few questions at me, and so has Iris. So, a little bit of stuff to answer for them. What I'll start off with is for Iris, who asked a little bit about amyloidosis, because her husband had been diagnosed with it.

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