As with the monthly healthy heart network live shows, what I try to do is cover a patient case, or a patient story. I try to share a bit of education, and I try to answer a patient question that I've had recently, which I hope that you will find intersting, and hope that it will relate to you. So today, the patient story is about a man who is young and had a heart attack.

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Hi, it's Warrick Bishop here, and welcome to the Healthy Heart Network Live Monthly Online Show. So, thanks for joining us today. I'm looking to cover a couple of things. I thought I would talk about Vitamin D, I thought I would talk about plaque gets into coronary arteries, and I thought I would share with you a patient case from just recently.

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People often wonder what a stent is. Well, a stent is the term that we use for the structure, which is really a cage that we use to open up arteries. Now, way back when I was a cardiology registrar, just starting off in the game, we had these fantastic clot busting medicines. So, when people came into hospital with a heart attack, a blocked artery, we could give them these clot busters. And we could break up the clot that had formed on a ruptured, plaque and start to reestablish blood flow. Well, that clot would often form on a tightly narrowed area.

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I'm hoping to cover some questions that are coming from the group. I'm looking to share with you a little bit of teaching and some stuff to think about. And I'm also going to share with you a patient case that just popped up this week. So tonight, I'd like to start off by talking about fats and the role of fats in coronary artery disease, which is really common and people constantly ask me about, "what should I eat, doc and gee, if I've got coronary disease, should I cut down fat or should I increase fat? And what if I'm Keot or what if I'm not? And what if my carbs are down and is olive oil good or avocados good? And so forth.

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Today, the topics are going to be around do statins reduce blockages in arteries, how do we know how tight arteries are and when do we fix up blocked arteries? I've also got one case which I'll chat about at the end, but let me get going. I would like to start off by sharing with you two questions that came through a number of weeks ago when I asked for any specific questions. So Susan Bauer asked, "at what percentage blockage should a stent be placed?" And she also asked, "if you're on statins, will the blockage get better, stay the same, or possibly get worse?" I'm going to actually take that as the first question, cause it's a really important one. And then I'll come back to percentage of blockage.

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Welcome to this healthy Heart Network Live Show. It's a follow on from questions that have been put in Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack in the Facebook group, and it's really an opportunity for me to share with you guys and hopefully provide some answers to questions and provide a little bit of education in balance. So, what I try and do is a little bit of a case story, a little bit of education, as well. So, I cover both of those tonight. Without further ado. Tonight, we're going to be talking about amyloid, a little bit about amyloid, and we're going to be talking about searching for the truth. So, Healthy Heart Network is my Facebook group. If you're not a part of it, please feel free to join. It is free. I do speaking to it once a month and I do try to answer questions. This month, Tony has been good enough to fire a few questions at me, and so has Iris. So, a little bit of stuff to answer for them. What I'll start off with is for Iris, who asked a little bit about amyloidosis, because her husband had been diagnosed with it.

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I believe we can prevent heart attack. We can put in place strategies to reduce risk. We can literally plan to change your future. I call it Healthy Heart Network. Greetings and hello to everyone on this Tuesday night, 21st of April. I'm delighted you're able to join me, if you by any chance miss this presentation, you will, of course, be able to catch up with it later on. We will rerun it and give you the chance to do that. It seems a little bit odd to be thinking about cardiovascular issues in the midst of this COVID challenge, this COVID crisis, however, it is really important to remember the importance of maintenance of other aspects of your health.

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I believe we can prevent heart attack. We can put in place strategies to reduce risk. We can literally plan to change your future. I call it Healthy Heart Network. Hi, Warrick Bishop here. Welcome to the Healthy Heart Network Live Monthly show. This is part of my involvement in the Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack facebook group. A month ago, I did my first facebook live show and it seemed well-received. People generally left positive remarks and I'm really pleased to say that a number of people left questions, and I'm going to look to address some of those today.

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I believe we can prevent heart attack. We can put in place strategies to reduce risk. We can literally plan to change your future. I call it Healthy Heart Network. Thank you so much for joining me for the very first of the Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack Show. hope everyone's well. This is the beginning of a new year. John, my business partner and I have decided that we'd like to try and bring something to this group on a monthly basis, something around this sort of webinar style.

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Welcome! I'm an "AI version" of Dr Warrick Bishop's brain! How Can I Help?